Friday, November 23, 2012

Outdoor Display almost done

This has certainly been an interesting year with my Christmas Light Display.  As promised my lights were up and running Thanksgiving night.  However, you'll have to wait a day for final pictures of the display.

I've had some difficulty with the electrical this year.  I barely managed to get everything hooked up on Nov. 17th.  Did a test run and although I had a few things burnt out the display was all lit and running correctly.

Then on my birthday, Nov. 18th my family gave me this awesome green LED Christmas tree for the yard.  Love it!  However, that meant I had to shift the display around to fit the tree into my display.  Don't get me wrong, I love the tree and would take more items if given to me but I needed my birthday to occur before I did the electrical :)

Since I had an empty space I wasn't happy with in the front of my display I went ahead and rearranged quite a few things in the front to fit the tree in and fill the gap.  Then the electrical problems occurred.  I always do electrical after I have placed everything since I max out all the outlets, plugs, extension cords, you name it.  I'm basically a poster child for the fire department on what NOT to do!

Yesterday after I finished the entire display and had it running for a few hours one of my 6 plug outlet timer started flipping off.  I've never tripped a timer.  Anyway, long story short I think now I have either a bad extension cord or a way way over maxed extension cord.  So I narrowed it down to one extension cord but it is one of those with three outlets along the length of the cord so I once again will have to figure out electrical to pull the cord tomorrow.  Once I do that you'll have final pictures.

In the meantime let me show you some of the display -

This is at the end of my street, I am at the end of a cul-de-sac.  I took green and red LED's (c-6's) and simply staked the end into the ground and ran the lights up and over a branch.  I like having the two at the end of the street and next year would like to do the third tree I have further up in my yard along the fence.  Might do that in red or blue.  The lights really are more vivid then they show in this picture.

The gap in lights next to my green tree is NOT by choice.  the silver box is the associations sprinkler system and it is leaking.  They have been going into the box daily and will need to replace the leaking part so I left them a small path to the box.

I kept the arches in my display this year.  I just love the look of them!

Now if you know me at all you know I love when I found these little guys I just couldn't resist.  Welcome to my three little frogs now proudly sitting in my yard.

My To Do list for tomorrow  -

  • Determine if I overloaded the extension cord or if I have a bad one and fix it.
  • Take pictures of the outdoor display.
  • Inside decorating major push.  I'll start the formal tree tomorrow and try to get ribbon on.  
I would love to have the inside done by Sunday so it should be a busy weekend.

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